sábado, febrero 26, 2005

A Joke xD

Una mañana, al salir de la ducha, una hermosa joven se envuelve en una toalla y le avisa a su esposo que ya puede usar el baño. En eso, oye que alguien llama a la puerta y baja a abrir.
Es el vecino, que se queda boquiabierto al descubrir la bella mujer tan escasamente vestida. En seguida saca dos billetes de 100 dólares y le dice que se los dará si se baja la toalla hasta la cintura. Bueno, no nos vendrían mal 200 dólares, piensa ella, y decide complacerlo.
Cayéndosele la baba, el vecino saca otros 200 dólares y se los ofrece para que se quite la toalla por completo. ¡Qué más da!, se dice la joven. Entonces se suelta la toalla y el vecino la contempla embelesando. Una vez que le entrega el dinero, le da las gracias y se marcha.
La mujer vuelve a la alcoba, y el marido, que acaba de salir de la ducha, le pregunta:
- ¿Quién era, cariño?
- El vecino.
- Ah, bueno. Oye, ¿y te pagó los 400 dólares que me debe?

PD: Voten por la mejor foto!!!, la que esta puesta o esta xD.

viernes, febrero 25, 2005

NEW BLOG FEATURE: Da Bizarre News!

Aqui con la novedad de las noticias bizarras... "un complemento perfecto para el blog" xD.
El cual podran obsevar en la parte inferior del cuadro de titulo.

¡¡¡Nuevas Noticias Bizarras todos los dias!!! xD

Enjoy!!! <---(LOL todo cracker xD)

lunes, febrero 21, 2005


Oh My Fucking LOL!

LOL, hasta que alguien piensa en una solución al respecto...

"Are you sure you have read the EULA? You seem to have clicked the "I accept" button a bit fast."

domingo, febrero 20, 2005

Queremos posts de TAVO: el Staff Bizarre Blog en pie de lucha...

Por un mundo más justo, por un ambiente más sano, por un blog cooperativo de calidad: QUEREMOS MÁS POSTS DE TAVO!

sábado, febrero 19, 2005

Tool - Faaip de Oiad

"I, I don’t have a whole lot of time. um, ok, I’m a former employee of area 51. i, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes] I’ve kind of been running across the country. damn, I don’t know where to start, they’re, they’re gonna, um, they’ll triangulate on this position really soon. Ok, um, um, ok, what we’re thinking of as, as aliens, they’re extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with. they are not what they claim to be. Uh, they’ve infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the area 51. The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I’m sorry, the government knows about them. and there’s a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now. they're not! they want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable..."

Say hello!

jueves, febrero 17, 2005

Protocolo de Kyoto...

Pues si, camas y daballeros, ha entrado en vigor el ahora tan mencionado Protocolo de Kyoto, plan que obliga a 34 paises del hemisferio norte y a 107 del sur a reducir sus respectivas emisiones de gases para frenar un poco el efecto invernadero con el objetivo de evitar el cambio climático que se tiene previsto para dentro de unos años.
Todo sería alegría y descorchamiento de champagne si no fuera por... si, adivinaron, Estados Unidos, que se negó a aplicar dicho plan poniendo como excusa el impacto que tendría dentro de su economía, todo esto a pesar de que dicho país produce casi una tercera parte de los gases de efecto invernadero.
Otro pais importante que se negó a firmar el Protocolo es Australia.
Esperemos que la aplicación de dicho Protocolo realmente tenga un impacto favorable para el bienestar de este bello oasis perdido en la inmensidad del desierto galáctico (que mamón sonó eso, verdad?).

martes, febrero 15, 2005

Una noticia muy agradable sobre la Ketchup, Catsup, Cachup... o como sea :-S

La salsa Catsup, mejor conocida como "Cachup" xD, RULZ... pero no la volvere a ver de la misma manera gracias la siguiente nota que hace dudar muchas cosas ...

Woman finds penis in tomato sauce bottle
February 13 2005
Stockholm - A Swedish woman said on Sunday that she had found a penis in a bottle of ketchup.
Viktoria Ed said she was lucky enough to discover the organ before putting the sauce on her bread rolls, unlike her husband Stefan and their children, Madeleine and Simon.
"It looked like a penis, of an adult if it's human, and medium sized," she said.
"It's disgusting. The top of the bottle was intact, as if it had just left the factory. We would like to know how this thing ended up in a ketchup bottle."
The Godegaarden brand ketchup was made in Turkey and distributed in Sweden by the company Axfood. The shop where the ketchup was bought on Friday has thrown out the rest of its stock.
"I will never buy this brand again, it's finished," vowed Ed.

Police have taken the object for analysis. - Sapa-AFP

"Free dildo Inside!!!"... LOLAZO
Gracias a Dios, esa marca esta muy lejos de llegar a Mexico :)!!!

PD: Buscando una foto para el post, me encontre con varias bizarreces entre las que destacan las siguientes: Un fondo de Cachups, Le Christ et son ketchup, Las Ketchup en pelotas xD, un museo de condimentos en Paquetitos (donde destaca una bolsita de Cachup del paisano "Pollo Loco"), una imagen comercial Bizarra de Cachup, la Sal vs la Cachup (la Sal es mala para el corazon, mientras que la Cachup al parecer es inofensiva), la resbaladilla de Cachup, Ketchup-holic, el Sr. Cachup y la Sra. Mostaza, como se hace la Cachup..., DA KETCHUP, un accidente..., Cachup en un bote bizarro, etc. etc... creo que ya son suficientes bizarreces por hoy xD. Si estan interesados en encontrar mas, solo vayan aqui y busquen "Ketchup".


lunes, febrero 14, 2005

Message from SATCH...

Feb 8, 2005
It's February, 2005 and we are gearing up for another exciting year of live shows and recording! But, did you know that the Peavey JSX head won Amp of the Year at this year's NAMM show? Well it did! And we managed to release the combo version at the show as well. The new combo comes in a 2x12 enclosure and has added reverb and a half power switch for extra tonal possibilities. At the Ibanez booth, which had the most amazing three story Ultra Man figure presiding over the whole affair, we released the new JS Chrome guitar. It's a limited edition specially plated wood JS1000, with an added phase switch just for fun. Get 'em while you can! Oh yeah, you must check out the new book on the history of Ibanez. It's a fantastic book that tells the whole story and is filled with photos of guitars, artists and all the cool people who make and have made the Hoshino company what it is today.

Now that I'm officially cured of my pneumonia I'm eager to get back to rockin' out! Thanks for all the "get well" wishes{:?}. (LOL xD)

Our touring schedule as of this date will bring us to Australia and New Zealand in March, the West Coast of the USA in April and Japan (G3 w/ Vai/Petrucci) in May (OMG O_o!!!). I'm waiting to hear about a possible European Festival tour, when I know, you will too!

Recording will most likely start in the fall. but, we might try a few things during the summer as well. Don't ask me what direction I'm going in with the new stuff, 'cause I don't know yet myself! (LOL xD)

I'll be back,

sábado, febrero 12, 2005

Microsoft and Pfizer fight fake Viagra spammers

LOL, uno que todavia no lo necesita si lo puede considerar como spam xD...

"The flood of junk emails peddling "Viagra" could become a thing of the past after the drug maker Pfizer joined forces with Microsoft yesterday to file 17 lawsuits aimed at cracking down on spammers.
The suits, filed in New York and Washington state, are targeted at operations selling cheaper "generic" versions of the impotence drug and other Pfizer products.
The companies said fake Viagra ads now account for one in four spam messages.
Brad Smith, Microsoft's legal counsel, described the actions as "another wake-up call to those who abuse the internet for illegal purposes".
The companies said the action was the result of a seven month-long investigation into a number of websites advertising Viagra.

Read the entire story at Guardian.

viernes, febrero 11, 2005

Microwave Experiments... xD

He aqui unas paginas donde pueden ver el resultado de experimentar con cosas dentro del micro. Son fotos e incluso videos.

Aqui y aca.
